SCEG Plans & Updates

The Shelley Conservation Group decided we needed a logo and approached Shelley First School to ask them if they could design a logo for us. What a great response we had,  with over 30 different designs put forward for us to choose from. The top 3 all received a certifcate and the SCEG donated £30 to the school to use as they wished. The winning logo was designed by James Lambert and a nice border added by John Pearman. Many thanks to all those who took part and here is the new logo in full (also included as our banner heading now)

We are always keen to get more people involved. So if you want to get involved on any basis, regular, adhoc, or even once a year (e.g. litter picking) then please get in touch via the website Contact Us page OR email directly to


We have developed 6 partnership agreements in conjunction with Kirklees, these were officially signed off on Monday 21st February and copies (of the unsigned agreements) can be found in the document store below.


If you want to carry out environment or conservation work in Shelley but dont want to work as part of our group then please let us know so that we dont duplicate effort and can also guide on what is / is not possible via the partnership agreements


Joining our group brings many advantages including:

  • Any work carried out under the umbrella of the SCEG will  be insured as the SCEG has insurance through Natural Kirklees
  • A great group of people having fun and all working to improve our community areas and green spaces
  • Great support from Kirklees and other groups such as Natural Kirklees (borrowing tools etc)
  • Easier to get grants for planned works
  • We get to see results quicker working as a large group and our group has lots of different knowledge and expertise, more is always welcome

Photographs from some of the work carried out by the SCEG or partnership groups

SCEG try to meet weekly when the weather permits. We mostly meet at weekends but try to schedule some working parties during the week as well. If you want to help then please email us at . We can provide details of our future work parties, add you to the email distribution group if you wish or add you to our WhatsApp group so that you can get regular updates on when we are meeting, where and what we are planning to do.

SCEG Document Store